Thursday, September 29, 2011

So much to learn

I have discovered that I still have so much to learn about decorating cakes, but I will only get better by practicing.  What you see below is my practice.  A coworker retired and she happens to be the biggest Red Sox fan I know (and that says a lot because you would think everyone in Boston was, but she is truly the biggest fan).  So what better way to practice decorating then to attempt a version of Fenway Park while also giving something special to a friend. 

Attempt is the key word.  I made a sheet cake covered in fondant.  I did not use the fondant from Michael's or AC Moore, I found Satin Ice online and in some local cake stores and it is a big difference.  It does not taste bad at all.  I then attempted a scaled down version of the Green Monster made out of rice treats.  Next was attempting a hat which was made out of rice treats and covered in fondant as well.  I really need to do a lot of practice covering cakes with fondant, that is all I have to say.  The cake part was easy, but let's just say I was very sad when the Green Monster fell over.  But there was recovery and a sad attempt at making it all work.  So here it is, not the best, but I am happy with it and happy I got the practice.  Most importantly, my friend loved it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ways to keep your house warm

What a beautiful day today.  The windows were open and the house was nice and cool.  Only problem was that I haven't been apple picking yet so no pies to make and I was not up to baking a cake because that will be next weeks project (and I mean project). So I decided to warm things up with some good old fashioned chocolate chip cookies.  When I make chocolate chip cookies I like to use the Ghiradelli semi sweet chocolate chips and I use dark brown sugar.  Using dark brown sugar will make the cookies chewy.  Finally, I only use the mixer to combine the sugars, butter, eggs, vanilla, salt and baking soda.  For the flour and chips I use my hands with a spatula to combine.  Baked at 325 for only 10 minutes makes them nice and chewy.

Here are a couple of pictures and stay tuned because next week I will be making a cake for a friend who is retiring and I'll give you a hint, she's from Boston and likes baseball.